Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lewisburg 2/2/09

Hello family and friends this last week is just a blur it went so fast. It is now the start of a new transfer and me and Elder Norton are staying together for which im glad. We've had a good time together and we have got some good things to look forward to this transfer. I can see two possibly three baptisms coming up this transfer. Weve got a great ward that fellowships pretty well and has a good ammount of referals. A lot of the baptisms that have happened this year have resulted from the members. S wasn't able to come to church this week so we will have to push her baptism back. She strained her back and had to go to the emergency room. But i do have great news. Thank you so much for the prayers on her behalf. Truly a miracle took place this week. So as I told you before her neice was hit by a drunk driver. She flew like a hundred feet and I guess the guy was going pretty fast. They rushed her to the hospital and things didn't look good, she was in a coma, and doctors said her chances looked poor. Her father was especially struggling and S was worried that he might hurt himself. She was there as a constant support and she encouraged him to pray. He had never prayed before and he had no concept of a God. S was reading in the Book Of Mormon during this time in the hospital and she came to the story of the Alma the younger she just flipped open to it. She got to the part where it talked about how he was in a deep sleep and there was much fasting and prayer and show after three days he arose. This was an answer to her prayer and it give her peace and assurance that her niece would live again despite the bleak outlook. She had marvelous faith and me and Elder Norton fasted and all the prayers that were offered. What ensued later was a miracle so Serenas niece was hit on friday amd on monday she arose from her coma. 3 DAYS AFTER THE ACCIDENT!!!! It happened to be right before we broke our fast. Doctors were amazed to add to that she has no brain damage the only thing is a couple bruised ribs and headaches that will go away with time. WHAT A MIRACLE!!!! As a result of this her dad now has a belief in God and this event has brought him and his wife together on the verge of a divorce. Now God didnt cause that drunk driver to hit that little girl but he was able to show his power and provide a tremedous growing expierence. I learned two valuable lessons from that expierence. 1) God can accomplish any miracle she shouldnt have lived. 2) The Book Of Mormon does provide answers to our prayers. You cant tell me that it was just coincidence that she flipped open to that passage at that particular time. And that she arose after three days just like Alma is evidence that God was speaking to Serena that things would be ok. Thank you so much for your prayers I love you all; I'm doing well. Remember to keep Heavenly Father, and the Savior close in your lives. If we have faith anything can happen. Just look at the miracle of my dad. I love you all take care. Elder Powell

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