Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Williamsport-Week 4

Wow what an amazing week. We were so extremely blessed this week. We taught so much and found many new people. Just to give you an idea the last two weeks prior we taught 28 other lessons and 4 new investigators combined. This last week we taught 20 other lessons and found 12 NEW INVESTIGATORS. What a blessing and I believe it came from our obedience to a particular principle. So we have weekly planning every Friday which takes on average 3 hrs. In the past I really didnt take weekly planning that seriously and didn't plan out very effective weeks. The last two Fridays we have made an increased effort to plan every hour of each day and feel it with effective plans. That way we are showing the Lord what we want to do and where we are going to be. I have gained a testimony of weekly planning. The Lord placed many opurtunities in our path. And why? We were willing to excercise our faith and let the Lord take control. I believe this applies to every aspect of the gospel. If we will do what is asked of us and excercise our faith (even if we dont know why in the world we should be doing it) then that invites the Lord into the equation. He wants us to trust him and obey his gospel and in his own time blessings will come. Remember you recieve no witness until after the trial of your faith. (Ether 12:6) So often we dont work smart and try to do things ourselves and we neglect the helping hand of the Lord. We have two people we are really excited about. M who I already discussed and C whom the Lord put in our path. We had such a spiritual lesson with him. He was so eager to learn and when we gave him a B.O.M to read he was so grateful and excited. So those are the two main people I would ask that you would keep in your prayers. I really like this area sure there are some people that really test you but thats ok.On Wednesday we are going to Susquehanna to the Priesthood Restoration Site, I am so so excited. Joseph Smith is perhaps the strongest point of testimony. People try and denounce him and try to paint a false picture about him. But I cannot deny that I know he was a true prophet. The restored gospel hinges on that fact. If he was which I testify he was then this is Gods church and if not then this is just another Christian denomination. I feel very blessed I love you all and I pray for happiness and success. Love Elder Powell

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