Saturday, July 18, 2009

Man we were really blessed this week.

We had three people at church, we got two real solid referals, and found a real neat couple. J came was one of the ones that came and we found him a hearing device so he could hear the talks. He has been too church three times so technically he can now be baptized. We fasted with him but his heart is not all the way into it. He has read about 150 pgs in the Book Of Mormon but he is not praying with real intent and he is just being to casual about everything. I think it will take some more time to get him ready for baptism so I dont know if he will make his July 25th date so pray for him that a mighty change of heart can come upon him. We also had J and KG come to church we found them on Friday so that was really neat. We just looked up on a hill and some some houses and said hey lets tract that street. They are looking for a church and J actually has some connections through family members with the church. I think they enjoyed it pretty well, the branch really was kind to them. Unfortunatley K had told her Dad that she would attend church with him this week but they said they would come the next week. Pray that they will feel of the spirit that it will direct them to come to our church. It was neat though we took Brother Clapper with us and he bore strong testimony and just told how he came to know the church was true. At first he was a little closed off too the message because of the bad wrap that mormons get out here. But when he oppened his heart the spirit touched him and he became converted. But our referals are both member referals one is Brother Gates brother and the other is Brother Fairs brother so thats exciting because they already have friendships with members. C was going to come to church but bailed out at the last moment and also another investigator named M S. So we almost had five at church which would've been awesome but we will settle with three, I'm happy with that haha. We weren't able too see J F this week because he has been very busy. Pray that we will have opportunities to teach him and that he will be able to come to church. Yesterday we had a mini zone conference and interviews. It was pretty good it was neat talking to President Summerhays and im excited for what will happen in the next two weeks. I bet I'll be getting transfered over Pittsburgh way. Either way though I'd like to stay because I feel that some good things will happen here in the next few months. I was really proud of the branch because the Zone Leaders showed some statistics in the Stake. It talked about member referals and member exchanges for the past few months and baptisms and guess he was near the top in all those categories the Bedford Branch. Whats really sad though is that the branches are doing more work then the wards are. When we are in our wards we need to make sure that we aren't neglecting our duties. Wards should be able to accomplish wonders but at least out here they are slacking and are not involved enough in the missionary work. Our branch sacrifices alot. The men of the priesthood basically come out at least once a month with the missionaries. Plus many have 3 or four callings. Let us never shirk from our duty. I want to leave with a thought. It was from general conference from Dieter F. Uctdorf. He remarked how there was a time when a group of men were trying to move a piano out of a room and they were struggling to find a way to get it out. Then one of the men offered a profound comment he said "Brethren stand close together and lift where you stand." As the did that they were able to accomplish that task. So it is with us if we are unified and stand close together and each do our part the lord's work will go forth more gloriously. It doesnt matter what talents we have as long as we offer them. Remember the parable of the talents one had five one had 3 and the other 1. the five and the three were rewarded evenly because they both didn't hide their talents and the one with the one talent hid it and the Lord took it away from him. Let us work for the Lord and he will work for us and shower us with blessings. I know this to be a true principle. I love you all hope you have a great week. Elder Powell

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